Category: Miscellaneous

MACEDONIAN TABLE/Makedonska Masa/Makedonski Stol

Makedonska Maca cvrf

By: Anastas S. Odzaklieski 

80 PAGES   HC ring bound   


Price: $25 CAD            USD$20

Macedonia has been growing various high-quality fruits, vegetables and spices in the fertile soil of the country, particularly in the regions of Pelagonija, Polog, Tikves, Skopsko polje, etc. making the ingredients from this part of the world the best for the preparation of a number of savory dishes. These are typical Macedonian recipes, produced in 3 languages with lush 4-colour photographs with a convenient large ring binding which makes it easy to prop up while cooking. There are Appetizers & salads, main dishes, and sweets. All in easy-to-read English, Macedonian and Croatian.

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MK tour book

By Thammy Evans   –  3rd edition

344 pages  Tpb  (easy to carry!)

ISBN 139871841622972 

Price: $26 CAD               USD $19

Even in the 21st century, Macedonia is a story untold. Remote, land-locked and little visited. It’s a place practically untouched by tourist trappings, signposts and explanations. Yet this country, once the southernmost part of Yugoslavia, has a simple natural beauty that its European neighbours find hard to match. The Bradt guide is the only English-language about Macedonia. This 3rd edition includes new material on battlefields and historical figures, as well as updated information on outdoor pursuits, folk festivals, wine, archaeology – and, of course, Macedonia’s fast-improving hotels, restaurants and bars.

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